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On November 8, 2023, U.S. Eastern Time (November 9, 2023, Beijing Time), ICBC Financial Services (FS) experienced a ransomware attack that resulted in disruption to certain FS systems. Immediately upon discovering the incident, ICBC FS disconnected and isolated impacted systems to contain the incident. ICBC FS has been conducting a thorough investigation and is progressing its recovery efforts with the support of its professional team of information security experts. ICBC FS has also reported this incident to law enforcement. We successfully cleared US Treasury trades executed Wednesday (11/08) and Repo financing trades done on Thursday (11/09).

ICBC FS's business and email systems operate independently of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Group. The systems of the ICBC Head Office and other domestic and overseas affiliated institutions were not affected by this incident, nor was the ICBC New York Branch.

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